Monday, June 04, 2007

New Police CD is Comprehensive

The Police have created music that has affected more than one generation of people. When the reunion tour that is happening right now started to generate buzz in the blogosphere, I was SHOCKED to see a lone voice that claimed to have never heard of The Police. After I recovered from my shock, I realized that the fact that only one 20 year old girl drew a blank said more in the band's favor than against them.

How many other bands who started in the 1970's have the same level of relevance?

I spent the first half of my life in an isolated part of Canada. The Police, like most really big bands, played Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver only when they toured Canada. Sting and his wife made an unscheduled landing at the Halifax International Airport as the result of a medical emergency. This was understandably not the best of circumstances and he was quoted in the local papers as being a bit nonplussed with the area. God Forsaken was the term he used, and I think some locals took it the wrong way. I thought he was just being apt.

The band is embarking on a huge World tour and they have released all their hits on a new police cd. It is probably the most comprehensive tracklist to ever encapsulate the creative life of this band. I have a hard time choosing a favorite track. I like the music for Message in a Bottle quite a lot, but the actual messages in other songs like Syncronicity II really stand out as profound.

I did get to see the band after I was all grown up and spending some time with family in Toronto. Many of the songs that I remember them playing at The Police Picnic on the CNE grounds are on the new police cd. I remember them stopping for a 'tea' break, yeah right. I enjoyed my tea as well. I wonder if Peter Tosh was pushing the tea trolley around backstage?

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