Sunday, August 26, 2007

A New Hypnosis Guide

I have always wanted to learn hypnosis. When I was in high school, our art teacher lead the class through a drawn out procedure that brought most of us into an altered state of consciousness and the process fascinated me. When we reviewed the experience afterwards it seemed that I was in the group that is more open to being hypnotized.

There is a new guide for sale over the Internet at

I don't think you can be hypnotized over the Internet, so you should be able to safely go to the site and see for yourself what it is all about. I think that melding together self hypnosis techniques and personal development strategies is a pretty sound way to make some positive changes in your life. This particular training package has a pretty reasonable price tag as well, it's creator appears to have a business plan that involves low cost and high volume. I would be worried that every human being on Earth except me might buy this program and improve themselves, thereby making me the least improved person on the planet

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