Monday, July 02, 2007

Termite Termination Time

If you have a termite problem, you need to act fast because they don't take any time off from doing the things that they do. But don't panic, they work steadily, but they work slowly. Go to the internet and form a plan of action based on good information. has a mission that is pretty much explained in its web address. If you want to find out the history of termites or the sex life of termites, go to Wikipedia, but don't rely on the information.

Some people live in blissful denial only to discover a problem when the have a pre-sale home inspection. I have never been in a termite prone region, I saw lots of Carpenter Ants. The ants only eat rotten wood. Termites eat sound wood, the kind that keeps your house standing. If you get to a termite problem early enough the termite damage can be repaired with simple reinforcement.

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