Tuesday, May 29, 2007


I need to get a dehumidifier. My leather jacket keeps growing stuff on it. Dehumidifiertips.com can help people like me figure out what size dehumidifier to buy for my house.

I already have some experience with dehumidifiers. I used to be a Fair Trade Coffee roaster. Unroasted coffee is a hard green seed that can be stored for a year or two and without losing flavor. The catch is this is under ideal conditions of 20 degrees celsius and 50% humidity. Part of my job was to monitor these factors and take steps to maintain the best conditions.

It made sense to go with portable dehumidifiers and humidifiers because I could clean one appliance and put it into storage before it was time to bring the other one out. I would run a humifier all winter and a dehumifier all summer.

One dehumidifier feature that I appreciated when we moved to a bigger storage room was a garden hose attachment so I could divert the water into a drain instead of the reservoir. Most units automatically shut off when the reservoir is full.

I would suggest that you think about dehumififying your home because molds have been shown to be the cause of a lot of illness. It's easier to make your house inhospitable to molds than it is to get rid of them, once they take hold. Dehumidifiertips.com is a great place to start planning your war on mold.

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