Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Hammocks Rock, No Socks Required

I miss my hammock. I am thinking it might be time to get a new one. They last for a very long time if they are properly cared for. I technically still have one, except it is in a cabin in another country. I gave my sister the key to the cabin so she could enjoy the place and check in on it from time to time.

My hammock actually has seen a lot of different places. I had used it as a backyard hammock originally. It is one of those cotton hammocks, so I had to take it down during periods of bad weather. I didn't get to relax as much as I had planned because I had two young kids that always wanted to get in the hammock. Whenever we couldn't find their shoes in the summer, the first place I would look was under the hammock. is a great informational site. I learned about some new products there.

My friends and I used to go camping back when I was younger and I remember spending most of one Sunday just lazing around beside a lake in one of those camping hammocks strung up between two trees. You can get them fitted with a mosquito net.

I moved to a place without many trees, so my next hammock will have to include a hammock stand. I hope I can find one that folds up to fit in my small car.

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