Friday, June 15, 2007

Peace on Earth

I think I finally understand why John Lennon had the little kids sing the line "War is over, if you want it" so many times in a row.

At the time I thought it was a typical call for political activism. The kind of activism where young people who think tha stopping war is their thing try to make enough noise to get the leadres of democratic countries to listen.

I am starting to realize now that he was speaking to EVERYONE and that it really is true. War mongering despots don't kill people, PEOPLE KILL PEOPLE. OK, some World leaders have personally killed a few people, but for the most part they get others to do the dirty work.

What would happen if everyday people all over the World decided of one accord to just stop killing each other?

I have never killed another human being. I have paid taxes that paid the salaries of some soldiers and policeman who have killed some people.

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