The main emphasis of
It's My Market is free
classified ads. Buyers and sellers can communicate freely. The layout is uncluttered and inviting to users. Besides buying and selling, there is also a lot of things like community events announcements on the site.
A visitor is free to look for things UK wide or they may choose to restrict their search to a smaller geographical area.
I am going to test out the sight with an imaginary need. This could be a bumpy ride, as I have a strange imagination...
Ok, I need a bike. Pretty boring need, but needs can be fairly basic sometimes.
Still on UK wide search, I typed bicycle into the search box and got 5 hits.
What do you think, do you suppose she's taken it over any sweet jumps? Since it's just an imaginary need, I am not going to contact the seller and offer him the imaginary money that I have.
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