Wednesday, March 07, 2007

A Phone By Any Other Name...

Changing the name of an established business is always something that is done with a great deal of trepidation. I am going to try and enlist some of the research tools at my disposal to find out what was being said back when AT&T changed it's name to Cingular...

Back when Cingular started in 2000, CEO Stephen Carter said that the company's name "shows the importance of the individual customer, as well as the unity of this joint venture."

Well, now there is even more unity in wireless service and Cingular is now the new AT&T. I think that wireless customers have always been lees loyal to one provider than wired customers. With all the competition in the market people will always have their eye out for a better deal. As a relatively new brand name in a relatively new market Cingular is not losing any ground by changing its name to The New AT&T. On the contrary, AT&T is a very old trademark. I saw the word ICONIC somewhere. In that same place, I found out that the name American Telephone and Telegraph came into being on March 3, 1885.

Having a name that has the word American associated with it that is more than a century old is a good thing.

I do feel a bit sorry fro the guy who designed the Cingular logo. I'm sure that it was a prominant achievement on his portfolio. I guess it is still something to brag about even if it only got about a half a decade of use. Maybe since it has the appearance of a happy bulbous orange person with a floating head, he could do a quick mock-up of a dejected gaunt orange guy with a floating head. I would do it, but I have too much respect for trademarks.

I like The New AT&T logo, it is fresh and exciting.

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