Thursday, February 15, 2007

Belisi Rocks!!!

Seriously, Belisi Rocks. He also has been known to Lounge on occasion. He is a man of contrasts. The latest thing that fashion guy Peter Belisi is putting his name to is an eclectic online radio station. Belisi Radio will feature classics and cutting edge tunes from a variety of genres. Here are a few of Peter's own words:
"Belisi Music is my attempt to take the same qualities I look for in fashion – sophisticated, classic, beautiful – and take it to music"
Belisi is a luxury online retailer of great silk ties, women’s handbags and scarves. The Belisi brand combines Italian beauty and sophistication with the bombastic cache of Palm Beach.

I have known about Belisi for some time and I have to say that I have not seen a single item on his website that does not meet my definition of stylish. I think there is some risk of my wife buying a handbag from Belisi. I am so lucky that I am not married to a collector of such things. She had a friend tell her that women should have something in the range of ten handbags. My wife stands by her opinion that that is excessive. I love her, and I think she should get one more handbag. Something that will look at home in Europe.

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