Sunday, February 25, 2007

Shakira Asked to Sing National Anthem

The America Cup is an international football tournament that is being held in Venezuela this year. It is reported that organizers have asked Shakira to perform her country's national anthem before their opening match. Shakira has not publicly responded to the invitation.

Here are the words of the Colombiam National Anthem:
¡Oh gloria inmarcesible!
¡Oh júbilo inmortal!
¡En surcos de dolores
El bien germina ya.

1. Cesó la horrible noche
La libertad sublime
Derrama las auroras
De su invencible luz.
La humanidad entera,
Que entre cadenas gime,
Comprende las palabras
Del que murió en la cruz.

2. Independencia"grita
El mundo americano:
Se baña en sangre de héroes
La tierra de Colón.
Pero este gran principio: "el rey no es soberano"
Resuena, Y los que sufren
Bendicen su pasión.


Oh unfading glory!
Oh immortal joy!
In furrows of pain
Good is already germinating.

1. The fearful night came to an end,
Liberty sublime
Is spreading the dawns
Of its invincible light.
The whole of humanity,
Which is groaning under chains,
Understands the words
Of the One who died on the Cross.

2. "Independence" cries
The American world;
In heroes' blood is bathing
The Land of Columbus.
But this great principle:
"The King is not sovereign",
Resounds, and those who suffer
Praise the passion in it.

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